Saturday, January 23, 2010

I Can Do This!

I can do this...I can do this...I can do this...Almost done with this month and I am feeling a little discouraged. Two crazy weeks at work totalling over 100 hours making it really hard to get to the gym. I made it once last week and once this week hopefully going tomorrow making it twice this week. I ate really well but I am really not seeing any difference in the scale. I need to stay off that thing its almost obsessive. Since my major projects at work are over I am hoping to get more time at the gym.


  1. You can do this , you can do this ,
    you can do this...
    Sounds like you are working
    way to may hours though.
    But what do I know. If you love your job it might be a wonderful thing. I guess the really good thing about it, . , . , . is you have a job.
    OOOHHHHH what is that I here!
    why It's, JIM , calling. you can do it ,
    you can do it.
    Remember there are more hours left in this month then you have worked in the last two weeks. You can do it. You are doing it.

  2. I know exactly what you mean with the work making it so that you don't have much time to work out. By the time i work my 10 hour day and get home to my 6 month old all i want to do is relax and unwind. it doesn't help that she wants to just be held. I have started something that i think really helps. Every two hours on the dot at work i am getting up to "go to the bathroom". rather than going straight there i go out the side door, take a loop around the whole building and in the front doors... then up the stairs to the back bathroom. it takes me about 10-15 minutes to get it done BUT it's about 200 calorie burn. i figure if i can get that in 3 times that's an extra 600 calories burned for the day... So far no one has said a thing! Give it a shot.

  3. I love your attitude! You CAN do it!! Sounds like you've got to figure out how to balance everything... good luck! :o)

  4. Mindy I love your idea of walking every 2hrs at work, it's hard when you can't go home till your work is done but at least when you get home you don't have to feel guilty. And Jenny, you can do it!!! Get those videos to give you that 15-20min a day boost at home for when you can't get to the gym. With work, single mom and snow I know it's hard to just quickly work out but you can do it!!!
